Help DJ Deezl stay in The Netherlands



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This petition is started on behalf of Joel Marriott, also known as DJ Deezl, who is facing deportation from the Netherlands due to repeated visa denials. Joel, an Australian citizen, moved to the Netherlands nearly two years ago to pursue his dream of building a career in the thriving Dutch hard dance scene. Despite applying for a visa four times, his applications have been rejected, leaving him with one final opportunity to prove his value to the country and its people.


Joel is an accomplished DJ who earns most of his income through bookings in the Netherlands. He has become a respected figure in the Dutch hard dance community, with the support of thousands of fans, promoters, and organizations. Beyond his professional contributions, Joel is known as a kind, welcoming, and respectful individual who has built a strong network of friends and fans since moving to the Netherlands.


Joel’s impact goes beyond music. His performances bring joy to countless fans and contribute to the Dutch cultural scene. Additionally, his work creates opportunities for local professionals, from event organizers to other artists. Losing Joel would be a personal loss to those who know and support him and a loss for the Dutch music industry and the vibrant community he has become a part of.


We urge the government to reconsider and allow Joel to remain in the Netherlands, where he has proven himself to be a valuable asset to the country and its people. Please sign this petition to help Joel continue his journey and keep sharing his passion for music with us all.

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Handtekeningen: 10022
Doel Handtekeningen: 10000
Deze petitie is gestart door:

Joel Marriott

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